Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Rose of Sharon Ministrys

The Rose Listen
Sharon Scarrella Anderson is reinstating the Ministrys 20 years later:

Tues:29May07 is my Senior Day at Salvation Army, alwys think of Aunt Peggy and Mary Doren, I'm walking pretty good now caught the 70 bus walked up the Hill at 1195 Burns, was shocked when the new buyer told me everyone moved, including bedridden Cuz Dave>

1st Funeral Sharon attended was Aunt Peggys 1st husband Gerry Doren, when Peggy (very few could call Margaret Peg) died at the nursing Home I was holding her hand. "the last words were "Sharon get rid of those spots on your hands and make sure you bring David a Loaf of Bread"

Peggy's Death so far has been my only experience being in the same room when some one dies. Its somewhat "peaceful" as peggy's head went back and I thought she had fallen asleep.

O Gosh by Golly all I can think now of my dads favorite song Ole Danny Boy,

What I'm trying to say is Live every day, It would have been nice if David Doren cuz would have called me or write to me. So we know he's OK.

Stay in touch with pic's or e-mail whereabouts. Luv
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